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Sophie A. de BEAUNE

Title:  Professor (Prehistory)
Institution:  Archaeologies and Sciences of Antiquity (ArScAn - UMR 7041)

Leader of the project:  « Préhistoire ». Interprétations, appropriations et usages contemporains

Personal webpage:  Sophie A. de Beaune on the ArScAn's website (

La préhistoire au présent

Sous la direction de Sophie A. de Beaune et Rémi Labrusse

La question des origines s’est toujours posée à l’humanité. Longtemps, ce passé nébuleux a fait l’objet de constructions plus proches des mythes et légendes que d’une quelconque histoire de l’homme. C’est au xixe siècle que le mot « préhistoire » est entré dans le langage courant. Pour autant, les horizons qu’il évoque ne sont pas les mêmes selon qu’on est adulte ou enfant, spécialiste ou néophyte. Des désirs différents y résonnent. Ils contribuent à donner toute sa richesse et sa complexité à l’idée de préhistoire aujourd’hui.

La préhistoire des préhistoriens est très concrète, forgée à partir d’indices matériels qu’ils réunissent à la manière de détectives. Malgré l’absence de documents écrits, cette très longue durée est mieux comprise grâce aux techniques fines de fouille, aux progrès des datations et de l’analyse des vestiges. Anthropologues, philosophes, psychanalystes et historiens portent sur la préhistoire un oeil plus distancié. Artistes et écrivains y voient un monde perdu, un âge d’or, à moins qu’elle ne soit pour eux le miroir déformant de notre propre société. Autant de visions qui se nourrissent mutuellement.

Ont collaboré à cet ouvrage préhistoriens, historiens, philosophes, anthropologues, psychanalystes, spécialistes d’histoire de l’art et de littérature, mais aussi des médiateurs, des artistes et des écrivains comme Renaud EgoMaylis de KerangalZad Moultaka et Jean-Loup Trassard, qui ont accepté de raconter leur rencontre avec la préhistoire. 

Publisher:  CNRS Editions
ISBN:  978-2-271-13641-1
URL / DOI:  Site de l'éditeur

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Aarthi AJIT

Title:  PhD Student
Institution:  LESC



A doctoral student at  Pasts in the Present cluster, Aarthi Ajit specialises in the study of orality and the role of memory in the intergenerational transference of material culture. Her research is focused on how values, heritage and memory travel from the past to the present through memories of ancestral house complexes in Kerala, South India, which no longer exist, known as tharavads. She hopes to examine the socio-cultural reasons of why tharavads in Kerala have been/are being demolished, in order to explore what this entails for contemporary heritage practices amongst Keralite emigrants abroad, also known as the Malayali diaspora. At stake with the migration trajectory of Malayalis is a particular displacement of memory, beginning with actual bodily displacement from the family tharavad. This has implications on how vernacular history and values are transmitted to the next generation via objects which contain memories of the original ‘home’. By inquiring how ancestral and present-day 'responsibilities' for descendants of demolished tharavads in Kerala are created, inherited, and reproduced, Aarthi will study how oral histories and objects originating from the ancestral house complex could act as catalysts of cultural memory which endure beyond the physical life of the tharavad.

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Title:  Dr
Position:  Postdoctoral fellow
Institution:  University Paris Nanterre , Archéologies et Sciences de l'Antiquité, UMR 7041

Takes part in the project:  Archives of archeological digs at prehistoric and ancient sites

Personal webpage:  Shaker Al-Shbib on the Arscan's website (


Shaker Al SHBIB is a Syrian archaeologist who has worked until 2011 for the Syrian Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums (DGAM) and served from 2005-2011 as the Director of Excavations and Archaeological Research in the Idlib Region. He has previously worked as an assistant curator and adjunct conservator at the Idlib Archaeological Museum.

Shaker Al-Shbib received his Master (2006) and Doctorate (2014) degrees from the Université de Paris 1 and his BA (2001) from Damascus University. He has co-directed the Syrian-French Excavation at Apamea (2003-2005), the Syrian-Lebanese Excavation at Cyrrhus (2006-2011), and the Syrian-Spanish Mission at Tall As Sin (2005-2008). He has also participated in a number of Archaeological projects including the Syrian-Japanese mission at Raqqa region (2005-2006), Doura-Europos (2002-2008), and Tell Afis (2004-2005).

In 2015 Al SHBIB joined the LabEx the past in the present as part of the project «archives of excavations of prehistoric and ancient sites».  He works both on the archives and documentation of the French mission in Southern Syria, and on the publication of his thesis entitled the fortifications of Cyrrhus-Nabi Houri from the Hellenistic period to the reconstruction by Justinian.Al SHBIB is a contracted heritage expert with the Smithsonian Institution and a consulting scholar at the Penn Museum. He has been working with the Safeguarding the Heritage of Syria and Iraq (SHOSI) Project since Januray 2014 on emergency conservation measures at key Syrian heritage sites at risk. Al-Shbib has planned and coordinated the SHOSI emergency preservation projects at the Ma’arra Museum, the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Ancient Villages of Northern Syria and the site of Ebla


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Title:  Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution:  Cluster Pasts in the present

Takes part in the project:  Carnets de fouilles. La documentation archéologique immergée (1898-1946). Deux cas d'études, entre Gaule et Italie préromaine (CARDO)


Lucas Aniceto holds a PhD in Classical Archaeology. As a graduate of the University of Burgundy (Dijon), the Istituto degli Studi L'Orientale (Naples) and the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, he defended in 2019 a doctoral thesis devoted to the Samnite, Lucanian and Brettian nucleated settlements of the Hellenistic period, under the supervision of Prof. O. de Cazanove (Paris 1). His research, devoted both to the urban geography of the fortified settlements in the Italic hinterland and to their networking within specific territorial dynamics, aims to place these issues within the broader European phenomenon of indigenous urbanization and the emergence of the oppida during the late Iron Age. Possessing a solid field experience, he has been carrying out an in-depth study of the pre-Roman and Roman site of Eboli (Campania) for several years, based on archive documentation, with a view to publishing the French excavations carried out on the site between 1973 and 1984.

In 2021 he joined the Labex Les passés dans le présent as a member of the Cardo project.

Laurent AUBRY

Title:  Research engineer, CNRS

Takes part in the project:  Monuments d’Orient