The international dynamic of the labex The pasts in the present

The international dynamic of the labex The pasts in the present is constructed around three axes

A structuring partnership with the British program Care for the Future

Inaugurated in 2015, the Franco-British program Care for the Future: Thinking Forward through the Past, from the Arts & Humanities Research Council, solidified through research workshops and call for projects co-financed by the labex The pasts in the present.

To learn more about the Franco-British partnership

A vast network of international partners

The international dimension of the cluster of excellence is also found within its internally developed research projects. Numerous have formed scientific collaboration with international institutions in order to lead research both comparative and transnational in scope.

Research areas across the world

The research objects of the labex The pasts in the present are local and international with several projects requiring fieldwork in different regions of the world. Likewise, the majority of the doctoral students involved with the labex have chosen dissertation topics outside of France.