Study of social appropriations of historical exhibitions

In a direct and empirical manner, this project treats the central question of the cluster: the reception of collections, possibly differentially according to their presentation under their original form or under their digital form. The free exhibition, C’étaient des enfants. Déportation et Sauvetage des enfants juifs à Paris [They were children. Deportation and rescue of Jewish children in Paris] was hosted at the Paris City Hall from June 26 to October 27, 2012. It exhibited only original documents and welcomed approximately 150,000 visitors. Furthermore, the exhibition was retained by the Google Cultural Institute, inaugurated mid-October 2012, for presentation in a smaller, virtual format.
This configuration thus furnishes the occasion for an exploration of the question of medium (original, digital) on the mediation of history. From this exploration, completed by a comparative study to be carried out in 2014, the objective is to study the social appropriations of historical exhibitions, paying careful attention to the difference of appropriation between exhibitions that present original collections and others that rely on digitized images.
Project managers
Sylvain ANTICHAN , Institut des Sciences sociales du Politique, UMR 7220
Internal cluster partners
- Institute for Social Sciences of Politics (ISP) - UMR 7220
- La contemporaine | library, archives, museum of contemporary societies
Associated partners
Mayor of Paris
Google Cultural Institut
2 yearsDocuments
Programme of the international conference "Revisiting commemoration" - March 24 & 25, 2016
revisiting_commemoration_-_programme_web.pdf (
pdf -
1.57 MB )
Dépolitiser le passé, politiser le musée ? A la rencontre des visiteurs d’expositions historiques sur la Première Guerre mondiale
Actes Sud