In situ
European Heritage Days 2018
On the occasion of the European Heritage Days 2018, on September the 15th, the Pasts in the Present cluster of excellence proposes 2 urban circuits to discover the history of the university of Nanterre and its surroundings.
Urban circuit 1 – Nanterre's campus then and now
The itinerary retraces the construction of different buildings and emblematic scenes of the 1968 student and worker protests that erupted there and it offers testimonies of quotidian life at the university’s beginnings.
Departure : Campus of the university, in front of the building B (RER A, stop Nanterre-Université)
Hours 10AM-12AM
Urban circuit 2 – Sous la faculté, un camp d'aviation ! From the university to the Natalys factory, passing by the Seine
Circus, farm, student ministry, on one side, new gardens and the Parc du Chemin de l’Île on the side of the Seine, on the other, rendering more laughable a municipality still scarred by the industrial vestiges, where numerous cultural projects were hatched.
Departure: Campus of the university, in front of the building B (RER A, stop Nanterre-Université)
Hours 2PM-5PM
European Heritage Days 2014
Circuit 1 : A campus next to slums: birth of a university on the fringe of the blue-collar city (1964-2014)
Circuit guided by Victor Collet, researcher, Université Paris Nanterre
Circuit 2 : From the former city center to the university : industrial and military history (1914-2014)
Circuit guided by Robert Cornaille, President of the Société d'Histoire de Nanterre and Alain Bocquet
Circuit 3 : From the revolutionary university to the towers of La Défense : walking throught the urban upheavals (1964-2014)
Circuit guided by Victor Collet, researcher, and Frédéric Dufaux, Senior lecturer, université Paris Nanterre
This circuits are conceived in the framework of the project "Making and walking the history of Nanterre's university".
Situation / Diversion : Situationnist International and contemporary performanceontemporaine
Festival of theater, performances, visual art gatherings around the Situationist International
What can we say about the revolutionary movement, the Situationist International (SI), more than 40 years after its official dissolution? Is there any value today in its radical theories and practices? How do today’s artists and cultural organizations appropriating the critical tools of the SI and to what ends? What can the situation, the misappropriation, the deviation teach us in a society governed by a neo-liberal cultural logic? What is current in the connections between art, performance, spectacle, and political action?
Over two days, the team from the universities of Glasgow, Kent, and Paris-Nanterre, with the assistance of American, Belgian, British, Congolese, Italian, Dutch, and French artists, activists, students, and scholars, will present performances and projections for some, critical reflections, round tables, and research presentations in a manner intersecting research and to debate it.
The historical memory and the archives of the SI, its positioning, its rhetorical, political, and artistic actions will be convoked and investigated to think about their linkage with our political and aesthetic present. The goal is to confront the IS in the present via the notion of performance, in an actualizing approach that is practical and creative, critical and festive.
The return match of this first meeting will be June 9-10, 2018 in Glasgow, and, per the host, it will be centered on the notion Drift.
Jules Beckman, Performeur, danseur et musicien, Marseille
Jan Bucquoy, cinéaste, Bruxelles
Alice Carré, Dramaturge, Paris
Manuel Charpy, CNRS Lille3
François Coadou, Philosophe, ENSA Limoges
Ewen Chardronnet, auteur et commissaire d’exposition, Paris
Fabien Danesi, Université Jules Verne, Amiens
Cristina De Simone, Université de Paris Nanterre et Cie Public Chéri
Arnaud Elfort, artiste, Paris
Fabrice Flahutez, Université de Paris Nanterre
Compagnie GK Collective, Pantin
Emmanuel Guy, The New School Parsons Paris
Régis Hebette, Cie Public Chéri - Théâtre l’Échangeur, Bagnolet
Laurence Le Bras, BnF
Le Bachelor, styliste et fondateur de la boutique Connivence, Paris
Emilio Lopez-Menchero, performeur et plasticien, Bruxelles
Patrick Marcolini, GRM, Paris
Graeme Miller, performeur et plasticien, Londres
Pedro Monaville , New-York University Abu Dhabi
Olivier Neveux , ENS, Lyon
Orchy Nzaba , Chorégraphe, Paris - Brazzaville
Marielle Pelisser o, Université de P aris Nanterre
Jan Ritsema, Metteur en scène, performeur et Fondateur du Performing Arts Forum
Mirabelle Rousseau & le collectif T.O.C., Paris
Bérénice Serra, plasticienne, Zurich
Selma Lepart, plasticienne, Paris
Vanessa Theodoropoulou, Esba TALM, Angers
Sacha Todorov, CNSAD/PSL, Paris
Collectif Tremblements, collectif de cinéma expérimental, Paris
Karel Vanhaesebrouck, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Benjamin Verdonck, performeur et plasticien, Bruxelles
A garden by Louis Philippe: A palette of colors in service of the king
At the initiative of the investment banker Émile Pereire and after notification from the Council of Bridges and Highways, the engineer Eugène Flachat was entrusted, in 1844, with the construction of the atmospheric railway that extended the rail line linking Paris to Saint-Germain-en-Laye.
At the initiative of the investment banker Émile Pereire and after notification from the Council of Bridges and Highways, the engineer Eugène Flachat was entrusted, in 1844, with the construction of the atmospheric railway that extended the rail line linking Paris to Saint-Germain-en-Laye.
This rail line led to the creation of works of art, the construction of ditches in the forest, and the creation of a jetty on the Seine that would enduringly/permanently mark the urban landscape and the palace’s surroundings. The palace became the Museum of National Antiquities in 1862.
This was the occasion for Louis-Philippe I to create an English garden in the extension of the French-style lawn and quincunx, a checkerboard-style of planting, were soon redesigned. The French king entrusted its creation to the engineer Alexandre Prosper Loaisel de Tréogate, who, to do this, would produce numerous plans, most of which are now found in the National Archives and the Departmental Archives of Yvelines.
During the cataloguing of the documentary collection, a plan dated 1844, a water color, and a drawing on transparent paper were discovered. They enabled the presentation of a poorly known dossier to our visitors, namely to enthusiasts of the history of the landscape and the history of gardens. The subtle hues used to draw the plans and render modifications comprehensible were echoed in the color scheme employed for the Rendez-vous aux jardins 2016 event. These plans provide a powerful tribute to the work of the gardeners in the national domain who contributed just today to the site’s beauty.
This dossier stems from research on the history of the palace and the estate that is currently conducted by the Museum of National Antiquities-Domaine national de Saint-Germain-en-Laye as partner of the labex Pasts in the present.
Curator :
Corinne Jouys-Barbelin, heritage curator, director of the documentary resources service
In collaboration with :
Étienne Faisant, PhD in art history, research engineer, labex Pasts in the Present
Gilles Becquer, chief gardener, National domaine of Saint-Germain-en-Laye
A photographer in a museum: Serge Oboukhoff’s views on the collections of the Cabinet of Medals at the French National Library (BnF)
This photography exhibition presents several aspects of the work executed by Serge Oboukhoff within the program Digital corpus of archeological objects of mythological iconography from the BnF’s department of Coins, medals, and antiques.