Paris (7) 10h-18h
Justice and memory processes that had accompanied the “third wave of democratisation” have been the subject of a large body of academic literature. These works have commonly taken certain approaches. Some have analysed these processes within national borders or by providing comparative accounts of countries seen as discrete units,
disconnected from transnational or global developments. Others, by contrast, have tried to account for the criminalization of dictatorships and conflicts in terms of the emergence of international norms based on an ethics of human rights and a “cosmopolitan memory” – often driven by a decontextualized remembrance of the Holocaust. This scholarship has however tended to overgeneralize global trends without always grasping the complexity of local attempts at dealing with the past. In the last ten years, a third approach, focusing on specific transnational entanglements, has gained ground. This emerging literature has started to analyze empirically transnational activism, exchanges of knowledge and expertise at bilateral, regional or international levels, the impact of legal and mnemonic narratives outside their countries of origin, and the role of international organizations and NGOs in dealing with mass violence.
Focusing on Europe and Latin America, this conference aims to take stock of this transnational turn in justice and memory studies and to develop a socio-historical analysis of the circulation of norms, repertoires of collective action and models adopted to deal with the legacies of authoritarian regimes and armed conflicts. It seeks to trace the interconnections and mutual influences of these processes both within Europe and Latin America and between the two regions, as well as the mobilizations of European and Latin American actors in international institutions, global NGOs, or at venues on other continents.
Jeudi 8 juin 2017
Ouverture : 8.45 – 9.00 James Mark (University of Exeter)
Panel 1: 9.00 – 11.00
Circulation of legal and historical narratives about violent pasts between Europe and Latin America
Modératrice : Raluca Grosescu (University of Exeter)
Alejandro Baer (University of Minnesota), Ghosts of the Holocaust in Spain and Argentina: The Global Memory Paradox and the “ethics of Never Again”
David Copello (IEP, Paris), The influence of Jacques Vergès’ theory on the political violence trials in Argentina
Daniel Kressel (Columbia University), “Getting off the tiger”: The Spanish Transition to Democracy in Latin America’s Southern Cone, 1977-1990
Discutant: Tobias Rupprecht (University of Exeter)
Pause café : 11.00 - 11.15
Panel 2: 11.15 – 13.15
Conflicting memories or emerging regional memory regime?
Modératrice : Laure Neumayer (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)
Uladzislau Belavusau (University of Amsterdam), Politics of Memory in Hungary and Poland from the European Legal Perspective
Nelly Bekus (University of Exeter), Transnational Perspective on Kurapaty Memorial Site. Competing Memories of Soviet Repression in Belarus (TBC).
Gruia Badescu (University of Oxford) Entangled sites of memory: Transnational perspectives on place, political violence and memorialization in the Southern Cone
Discutante : Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (University of Lund)
Déjeuner : 13.15-14.45
Panel 3: 15.00 – 17.00
Transnational advocacy networks and the mobilization of victims
Modérateur : James Mark (University of Exeter)
Félix A. Jiménez Botta (Boston College), Transnational activists and the creation of a usable past in the Chile and Argentina campaigns in 1970s and 1980s West Germany
Raluca Grosescu (University of Exeter), “Transnational Advocacy Networks and Corporate Liability for International Crimes
Gabriela Fried Amilivia (California State University of Los Angeles), The Transnational movement of children of the dictatorship: the case of Blood-based victim associations from the Southern Cone to regional and US/European networks: HiJos-Argentina, Uruguay and Chile, Mexico in their struggle for Justice and Recognition
Discutante : Sophie Daviaud (Sciences Po Aix)
Dîner 19.30
Vendredi 9 juin
Panel 4: 9.00-10.15
Criminalisation from Afar
Modératrice : Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (University of Lund)
Anna Wójcik (Polish Academy of Science), Eastern Europe and the Recognition of the Armenian Genocide – Chances and Obstacles to a New European Standard
Tobias Rupprecht (University of Exeter), Criminalizing Pinochet outside Chile’s Borders
Discutante : Cécile Jouhanneau (University of Montpellier)
Pause café : 10.15 – 10.30
Panel 5: 10.30 – 12.30
Beyond the "Third Wave’’: Adapting the Repertoires of Criminalisation in New Contexts
Modératrice : Gruia Badescu (Oxford University)
Josh Bowsher (Keele University), Accounting for the “Global” in Transitional Justice Memory-Making Processes: Tentative notes on the Truth Committee on the Greek Debt
Vincent Druliolle (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), When memory activism spreads across time, space and struggles. Adapting the Argentine escrache to the struggle against evictions in Spain
Silvana Mandolessi (KU Leuven), Transnational Memories on Disappearance: The Ayotzinapa Case
Discutante : Federica Rossi (London South Bank University)
Déjeuner : 12.30 – 14.00
Panel 6: 14.00 – 17.30
The transnational dimension of conflicting memories
Modérateur : Frédéric Zalewski (Université Paris Nanterre)
Camille Boutron (Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia), Émergence et circulations internationales de la figure maternelle comme instrument de globalisation des procédés de justice transitionnelle
Emilio Crenzel (CONICET, Buenos Aires), The crimes of the last dictatorship in Argentina and its qualification as genocide: a discussion
Caroline Moine (Université Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines/ISP Nanterre), La dénonciation de la dictature chilienne par les archives: des associations locales dans un réseau transnational
Pause café : 15.30 – 16.00
Sophie Daviaud (Sciences Po Aix) La circulation des normes, des jurisprudences et des narrations sur le passé: une comparaison entre les procès pour crimes contre l'humanité en Colombie, en Argentine et en ex-Yougoslavie
Discutante : Sophie Baby (University of Burgundy)
Conclusion: 17.30-18.00
Modératrice : Raluca Grosescu (University of Exeter)
Ce colloque est organisé par l'université Paris Nanterre, l'Institut des Sciences sociales du Politiques (CNRS) et l'université d'Exeter. Il s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet franco-britannique La criminalisation des passés dictatoriaux en Europe et en Amérique latine dans une perspective globale (labex Les passés dans le présent - Arts & Humanities Research Council).
Institut culturel roumain
Paris (7)
10h-18h _____