Antiquity 2.0 is a response to Gladiator, Ridley Scott’s cinematic marvel from 2000. The film marked the return of antiquity to the big screen (one talks of the epic’s “third golden age”) along with prominent recourse to filming in digital. Thus, a particularly sensitive and current event that demonstrates general interest in antiquity and new forms of manipulating and mediating this historical period. What new tools are used to reproduce antiquity? Which antiquity is invented by today’s cinema, television, video games, video art, multimedia installations, and the Internet? This project aims to analyze the role of the digital medium in contemporary manipulations and mediations of antiquity along two privileged axes: (1) artistic creation and (2) the research and dissemination of knowledge. Specifically, reflection on Greco-Roman history and mythology will be at the intersection of several approaches and levels of analysis: aesthetic, sociological, cultural, technological, economic, historical, ideological, and political.
The project entails a one-day working seminar, anticipated for fall 2014, and it will be the forerunner of a larger project on antiquity in the digital age.
Project leaders
Anne-Violaine HOUCKE, visiting assistant professor (Cinema and audiovisual), History of Arts and Representations (HAR)
Alain KLEINBERGER, university professor (cinema and audiovisual), History of Arts and Representations (HAR)
Internal cluster partners
History of Arts and Representations (HAR, EA4414): Cinema and the Cultural Industries, Cinema, Television (Infocom) are associated with the project
Archeologies and Sciences of Antiquity (ArScAn), the team Texts, History and Monuments from Antiquity to the Middle Ages (THEMAM
Responsables du projet
Anne-Violaine HOUCKE , Université Paris Nanterre
Alain KLEINBERGER , Université Paris Nanterre
Partenaires au sein du labex
- History of Arts and Representations (HAR) - EA 4414
- Archeologies and Sciences of Antiquity (ArScAn) - UMR 7041
Durée du projet
8 monthsDocuments
Schedule of the conference on December 11, 2014
programme_a5_rvb_web.pdf (
pdf -
627.85 Ko )
Conference on December 11, 2014 - Abstract and call for papers
traduction_argumentaire.pdf (
pdf -
96.67 Ko )