
Re-Invented Time: Cinema, Antiquities, Archaeology (ICAAR)

Re-Invented Time: Cinema, Antiquities, Archaeology (ICAAR)
©Fellini Roma (Federico Fellini, 1972)

The project Cinéma, Antiquités, Archéologie aims to explore the interconnections – existing or future – between cinema and archaeology from a historical, aesthetic, and theoretical perspective. The project has two distinct but correlated axes: epistemology and the circulation of representations. Although the border between archaeological science and the art of cinema is porous and has been since the development of the latter, films on Antiquity draw on archaeological discoveries to reconstruct worlds that have disappeared. An in-depth and fully theorised study of what cinema does with archaeology is yet to be completed. Such a work would allow us to identify what we can call “invention2”: from invention in the archaeological sense (discovery, revelation of a site, and its artifacts), to cinematographic invention. The latter relates to the way cinema – and not only cinema on Antiquity – updates, informs (and therefore deforms) ancient objects and sites but also how it implements forms of archaeology in its own way. The object of this project is thus also epistemological. It aims to identify how methodologies and theories of archaeology can be applied to cinema, allowing us to understand the practices of certain filmmakers and more particularly the reinvention of time initiated by certain films.

Responsable du Projet

Anne-Violaine HOUCKE , Université Paris Nanterre

Partenaires au sein du labex

  • Histoire des Arts et des Représentations (HAR) - EA 4414
  • Archéologies et Sciences de l'Antiquité (ArScAn) - UMR 7041

Autres partenaires associés

Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA) / Festival de l'histoire de l'art

Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD), University of Oxford

Musée du Louvre

Durée du projet

37 months


cinéma, antiquités, archéologie, réception, culture visuelle, épistémologie