
Nations and Europe: parallel memories

Nations and Europe: parallel memories

The research program will aim to analyse the relationship between national sentiment and the idea of ​​Europe from the late eighteenth century. From the period of European revolutions, which opened the Nineteenth century, to the “Europe of Maastricht”, a both conflicting and complementary dialogue continued between supporters of a national identity and those who advocated a common destiny for the peoples of Europe. The objective of this research is to identify the political forces, economic circles, lines of thought, personalities, cultural backgrounds, that have been the source of these debates and to identify turning points, periods of stabilization, crises, conflicts, all of which have profoundly redefined the “game of mirrors” between nations and Europe. The aim of this work is also to understand how a memory of nations and a memory of Europe developed, how they have become different, how different memories of regions have been created, even within individual European nations, and finally to analyse the evolution of relations between the different memories on the political scene. This program will involve researchers from several European countries: France, Italy, Great Britain, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Hungary, and Belgium.

Advisory committee
Giampietro BERTI, professor of contemporary history, Università degli studi di Padova
Keir Douglas ELAM, profesor of English literature, University of Bologna
Philippe JOUTARD, professor of history (emeritus), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)
Elena MUSIANI researcher, University of Bologna
Laszlo NAGY, professor of contemporary history, University of Szeged
Julio PERREZ SERANO, professor of contemporary history, University of Cadix 
Bernd ZELINSKY, professor of German civilization, Université Paris Nanterre

Responsable du Projet

Francis DÉMIER , Université Paris Nanterre

Partenaires au sein du labex

  • Institute for Social Sciences of Politics (ISP) - UMR 7220
  • La contemporaine | library, archives, museum of contemporary societies
  • Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Mondes - USR 3225

Autres partenaires associés

Università degli studi di Bologne (Italy)

Institut Français d’Histoire sociale

Comitato di Bologna per la Storia del Risorgimento Italiano

GEMMA, Master degree in Women’s and Gender Studies in Europe by the European Commission

Centre des études romanes, Université Paris Nanterre (EA369)

Centre de Recherches Pluridisciplinaires multilingues (CRPM, EA4418), Université Paris Nanterre

Grupo de Estudios de Historia Actual

Archives of the European Union

Durée du projet

3 years


memory, Nation, Europe, crises, conflicts



Programme of the symposium "Europe : another nation?" - February 18th & 19th
colloque_leurope_une_autre_nation_programme_web.pdf ( pdf - 1.51 Mo )

Programme of the symposium "the nation between history and memory" - February 5th & 6th
colloque_la_nation_entre_histoire_et_memoire_-_programme_web.pdf ( pdf - 952.5 Ko )

Déplier Replier

Les nations européennes entre histoire et mémoire, XIX-XXe siècles

ISBN:  9782840162537
URL / DOI:  Order the book
Editeur:  Les Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre