
Archives of archaeological digs in Arcy-sur-Cure (2ARC)

Archives of archaeological digs in Arcy-sur-Cure (2ARC)

Spearheaded by members of the Prehistoric Ethnology team (UMR 7041), “Project 2ARC” seeks to preserve, showcase history, heritage, and the memory of documents concerning the archeological digs carried out since the 19th century, especially those of André Leroi-Gourhan (1946-1963), in the different caves of the Arcy-sur-Cure range. The lack of a general synthesis of these operations, and the risk of losing the memory and history of one of the greats of French archeological research, drives the digitization of this extremely fragile written and photographic documentation. Following an initial wave of digitization and preservation of unique documents (2013-2015), this project will create an accessible database.
2ARC is part of a larger venture (“Vers Arcy”), led by the team “Prehistoric ethnology.” The exploration of the Arcy caves represents the central core of a larger project that seeks a better understanding of the dynamics of a Paleolithic settlement in the Parisian Basin.

Responsables du projet

Nejma GOUTAS , Archéologies et Sciences de l'Antiquité, UMR 7041

Pierre BODU , Head of the team Prehistorical Ethnology.  , Archéologies et sciences de l’antiquité (ArScAn)

Ludovic MEVEL , UMR Archéologies et sciences de l’antiquité (ArScAn) - équipe Ethnologie Préhistorique

Partenaires au sein du labex

  • National Museum of Archeology - National domain of Saint-Germain-en-Laye
  • Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Mondes - USR 3225
  • Archeologies and Sciences of Antiquity (ArScAn) - UMR 7041

Autres partenaires associés


Museum of Avallonnais, Avallon

The caves of Arcy-sur-Cure

Durée du projet

25 months