Colloque final du projet "Tourisme des catastrophes"
Du 15 Septembre 2017 au 16 Septembre 2017


Université de Liverpool



Vendredi 15 septembre 2017

2.30-3.30: introduction

Dark tourism in comparative perspective: Sites of suffering, sites of memory
Annette Becker (Université Paris Nanterre) & Charles Forsdick (Liverpool)

3.45-4.45: Dark heritage and ruination

Let the bare walls speak: Mobilizing materialities of suffering in sites of memory between the Southern Cone Latin America and the post-Yugoslavia
Gruia Badescu (Oxford)

Ruins of the future, ruins of the past: Between prison and space museum in French Guiana
Sophie Fuggle (Nottingham Trent; penal heritage)

5.00-6.00: Museographic memories

Multilingualism and Museums: Voices of the First World War in the Kobarid Museum (Slovenia) and the Historial de la Grande Guerre (France)
Nina Parish (Bath)

About some contradictions of the aesthetic of the museographic memory
Philippe Mesnard (Clermont-Ferrand)

6.15-7.45: Performance and Screening

Using Film to Examine Heritage, Identity and Global Citizenship: supporting the work of the Bautzen Memorial to Engage New Audiences
Paul Cooke (Leeds)

The Future of Ruins: Reclaiming Abandonment and Toxicity on Hashima Island
Carl Lavery (Glasgow)


Samedi 16 septembre 2017


9.30-10.45: Sites of (national) memory

Slavery, tourism and trauma sites of memory in Cameroon
Olivette Otele (Bath Spa)

Gulag Heritage in Kazakhstan: Globalising National Memory through the Postcolonial Lens
Nelly Bekus (Exeter)

11.00-12.15: Representation, historicization and the production of heritage

‘There is a crack in everything; it's where the light gets in': Some reflections on the challenges of producing ethical prison heritage
Maryse Tennant (Canterbury Christ Church University)

From New Museology to Contemporary art. Reflections on the difficult representation and historicization of objects in museums
Octave Debary (Université Paris Descartes)

12.30-1.00 Conclusions

Annette Becker (Université Paris Nanterre) & Charles Forsdick (Liverpool)


Afternoon: optional visit to International Slavery Museum



Hélène de Foucaud - hdefouca(AT)



Université de Liverpool
9h30-19h45 _____