The scholia to Homer’s Iliad – marginal and interlinear annotations that accompany the text in medieval manuscripts – form a gigantic corpus of unparalleled richness. The interest in these scholia is two-fold. First, in terms of content, they preserve significant information on the Homeric text and on its commentary, inherited from the Alexandrians and their successors, and they constitute an encyclopedia of ancient knowledge. Second, in terms of functionality, they provide the departure point for a larger and more ambitious investigation since these scholia are the forefather of our contemporary footnotes and hypertext links.
There are two parts to the project. The first consists of making this essential corpus available to the international scholarly community in an appropriate digital environment (open source web site). The second is subdivided in two: a study of the functioning of scholia, heretofore only studied for their contents even though they are the first identifiable historic milestone in the implementation of hypertextual logic for transmitting significant information on the Greeks’ fundamental text; and a reflection on the invention of a new form of online publishing conforming to this hypertextual logic.
Project Leader
Christophe BRÉCHET , University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Internal cluster partners
- Archeologies and Sciences of Antiquity (ArScAn) - UMR 7041
- La contemporaine | library, archives, museum of contemporary societies
- French National Library (BnF)
- Models, Dynamics, Corpus (Modyco) - UMR 7114
Associated partners
Catholic University of Louvain
Institute for Research and History of Texts (IRHT - Paris)
Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, D.C.
5 yearsDocuments
Poster for the seminar "Translating, Transposing, Passing on", April 30th, 2014
avril_2014_affiche_etudes_classiques_ere_numerique.pdf (
pdf -
2.05 MB )
Postdoctoral fellow
Archéologies et Sciences de l'Antiquité, UMR 7041
, Université Paris Nanterre
Takes part in the project:
The scholia to Homer’s Iliad: from text to hypertext
Georgia Kolovou received her PhD in Classical Philology from the University of Sorbonne- Paris IV in November 2012. She joins the cluster Pasts in the present while being associated with the laboratory Archeologies and Sciences of Antiquity (ArScAn) and the project “The scholia in Homer’s Iliad: from text to hypertext”. Christophe Bréchet, assistant professor, University of Paris West Nanterre La Défense, researcher at ArScAn coordinates the project.
A technical approach to the etymological remarks in Eustathios’ commentary on the Iliad
L’importance des épopées homériques pour l’éducation des jeunes gens selon Eustathe de Thessalonique
UMR 5189 - HISoMA
Lire l'article sur le site de la revue Syntaktika
«La fonction et les intentions des citations des poètes tragiques dans le commentaire d’Eustathe sur l’Iliade
Editions Chemins de traverse
Christophe BRÉCHET
Assistant professor
University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
, ArScAn
Leader of the project:
Les scholies à l'Iliade d'Homère : du texte à l'hypertexte