Reviewing the spectacle

Franco-British project in partnership with the Care for the Future program (Arts & Humanities Research Council - United Kingdom)

Reviewing the spectacle: The pasts, presents, and futures of the Situationist International in contemporary performance

In today’s digital age, one’s attention involves not only the passive consumption of images but also their active creation, thanks to selfies and tweets, which generate their own spectacle of the self. Revisiting the historical significance of the critique of the consumerist self appears, thus, quite timely. The project wishes to address this critical absence in the current understanding of the history of contemporary performance. It intends to examine the manners by which contemporary performance appropriates the theories and practices developed by the Situationist International (SI). It then reflects upon value of these forgotten radical theories and practices since they are reembraced to explore how a creative and critical involvement with the Situationist archives could let one envision a future for the SI different from what it could have imagined -- after all, it rejected all forms of art. The project is based on a “historiographical, critical, hermeneutic, aesthetic, and creative study of the sources,” notably of the Guy Debord collection at the French National Library. In addition to academic deliverables, the project, using the archives of the SI, will generate a research spectacle, created by the artist Graame Miller.

Project managers

Christian BIET , Director of HAR , University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

Clare FINBURGH , Senior lecturer , University of Kent, Drama and Theatre department

Internal cluster partners

  • History of Arts and Representations (HAR) - EA 4414

Associated partners

University of Kent

Nanterre-Amandiers Centre Dramatique National Nanterre-Amandiers Centre Dramatique National Nanterre-Amandiers Centre Dramatique National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow

Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow


18 months