
(Re)Play It Again: Re-Enactments and Non-Reconstructibles (REPIT)

(Re)Play It Again: Re-Enactments and Non-Reconstructibles (REPIT)

The re-enactment of past events reveals a specific organisation of temporalities, contributing to the cultural economy and the circulation of knowledge. This incarnation of the past through bodies in action challenges regimes of historicity and temporality within a framework aiming to constitute proof, spread knowledge, conduct scientific investigation, and promote artworks. These physical, emotional, affective, and iterative experiences thus contribute to the construction of memory and their transmission, as well as to the work of the historian. Re-enactments are dependent on the actions that they reproduce, investigating the event and the moment of its perception. Based on an overview of the abundant literature on re-enactment and a scientific interest for certain forms outside Europe, which are as yet little studied, this project aims to combine different scientific disciplines and artistic practices with research and training. It will follow two concordant and inseparable paths: one theoretical conducted by a pluri-disciplinary team combining social and human sciences with formal and experimental sciences; the other, empirical, involving artists and curators. The research program aims to explore the incidences and uses of re-enactment in writing on and transmission of the events, based on case studies and realisations by researchers, artists, and students. At the heart of this pole, bringing together specialists in the anthropology of performance and the study of representations, theatricality will be mobilised as a shared epistemological tool.

Project managers

Baptiste BUOB , Laboratoire d'Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative - UMR 7186

Christophe TRIAU , Université Paris Nanterre - HAR EA 4414

Internal cluster partners

  • Histoire des Arts et des Représentations (HAR) - EA 4414
  • Laboratoire d'Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative (LESC) - UMR 7186

Associated partners

Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA), Glasgow

Chaire d'arts du spectacle vivant - Maison des arts, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Hunterian Museum & Art Gallery, Université de Glasgow

Département des arts du spectacle de l'Université de Glasgow

Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) – UMR 7241 CNRS - Inserm- Collège de France

Diversité, adaptation, développement des plantes (DIADE) - UMR 232, Université de Montpellier

MO.CO. - Montpellier Contemporain. École supérieure des Beaux-Arts

Laboratoire sur les interactions, cognition, action, émotion (LICAÉ), Université Paris Nanterre

Compagnie Dodescaden


36 months


reenactment, performance, histoire, mémoire, Dispositif