The cluster's life

The project Achemenet joins the cluster The Pasts in the Present

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Created in 1999 by Pierre Briant, professor at the Collège de France, is a web potal conceived as a place for discussion between specialists of the Achaemenid Persan Empire and a gathering of the existing documentation. Hosted until 2012 by the Collège de France, and then, by the Department of Oriental Antiquities of Le Louvre from September 2012 to December 2016, it is now curated by the research team ArScAn-HAROC (UMR7041), located at the MAE on the campus of the Université Paris Nanterre. A 16-member advisory board assists the project leaders, Pierre Briant and Damien Agut (CNRS). From June 16, 2017, the project Achemenet, which was already mentioned in the initial research program of the cluster Pasts in the Present, becomes officially part of it.

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