
Scientific publications

Déplier Replier

Mapping the World War I on the Web - Final report of the second phase of the project "The future of online digitized heritage: the example of the World War I"

URL / DOI:  Download the article on HAL-SHS


Amateurs and professionnals, Community of Practice, Digital heritage, Web archives, World War 1, Web mapping, Web analysis
Déplier Replier

Michel Houellebecq, génie du comique absolu

Publication: Houellebecq, Agathe Novak-Lechevalier (ed.)
ISBN:  978-2-85197-187-6
Publisher:  L'Herne

Déplier Replier
Albert PIETTE , Gwendoline TORTERAT

A hominist manifesto: anthropology, utopia and ethics

Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford-online, New Series, Volume VIII, no. 2 (2016)

ISBN:  2040-1876
URL / DOI:  Download the article
Publisher:  The Anthropological Society of Oxford

Déplier Replier

La commémoration en pratique : les lieux sociaux du rapport au passé

Matériaux pour l’histoire de notre temps 2017/1 (N° 120)

ISBN:  0769-3206
URL / DOI:  Read the article online
Publisher:  BDIC

Déplier Replier

Odysséo Website: Learned and Militant Uses

Matériaux pour l’histoire de notre temps 2017/1-2 (N° 120)

ISBN:  0769-3206
URL / DOI:  Read the article online
Publisher:  BDIC


Génériques, an association for the memory of imigration history in France, has developed a website dedicated to resources about this subject (description, digitized documents). A sociological study puts forward some ways of understanding the appropriation of this website by different types of users: researchers, librarians, persons interested by the topic.

Déplier Replier

The Centenary of the First World War in Russia: Historical Exhibitions and their Visitors

Matériaux pour l’histoire de notre temps 2017/1 (N° 120)

ISBN:  0769-3206
URL / DOI:  Read the article online
Publisher:  BDIC


In Russia the centenary of the First World War was state-organized and state-sponsored. This was the first official nation-scale commemoration ever since the end of that war. The ambition of the officials was to impose a new vision of the role of Russia in the War. Russia is ambivalently presented as a victim and as a victor. The conflict in the Ukraine contributed to accentuate anti-occidental, “patriotic” and militaristic trends that had been already manifest in the cultural policy. A sociological research was conducted in museums in 2014 in order to understand, to what extent the commemorative context determined the activities of cultural institutions and the perception of the events by the public. The majority of museums’ activities contributed to complexify the presentation of the war history and the message of the state. If the perception of the war history by the visitors is greatly influenced by mass-media, their appreciation of each museum exhibit is mediated much more by their personal experience.

Déplier Replier

Trying out History? Social Appropriations of Exhibitions about the First World War Centenary

Matériaux pour l’histoire de notre temps 2017/1 (N° 120)

ISBN:  0769-3206
URL / DOI:  Read the article online
Publisher:  BDIC


Based on an investigation about the public of six French exhibitions dedicated to First World War, the present paper studies the different mechanisms of viewing history, mechanisms confronted with civic expectations placed in these commemorations. Analyzing individual behaviour and speech, it asks the relation between the public and commemoration into the museum and makes propositions in order to understanding social appropriation of the past.

Déplier Replier

The Commemoration of the First World War on the Web: Presence and Dissemination of Digitized Heritage

Matériaux pour l’histoire de notre temps 2017/1 (N° 120)

ISBN:  0769-3206
URL / DOI:  Read the article online
Publisher:  BDIC


This article aims to understand the online uses of documents digitized by heritage institutions. Based on a mapping of the relations between the websites dedicated to the Great War, on the study of a discussion forum and on the analysis of the online dissemination of a photographic collection, the article reconstructs the role of “amateur” networks, slightly connected to the institutional world, in the circulation of patrimonial funds.

Déplier Replier

Transition to agriculture in South-Eastern Arabia: Insights from oral conditions

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

ISBN:  1096-8644
URL / DOI:  Read the article on the journal's website


Bronze age, Neolithic, Oman Peninsula, dental pathologies, diet



In Southeast (SE) Arabia, agriculture is supposed to expand around 3000 BC, but its tempo and its actual role in populations' subsistence is still debated by archaeologists. Here, we compare dental health conditions of 11 skeletal samples from coastal and inland sites, dated from the Late Neolithic (ca. 4500–3100 BC) to the Early Bronze Age (EBA), conventionally divided into Hafit (ca. 3100–2700 BC) and Umm an-Nar period (ca. 2700–2000 BC). The goal is to assess long-term trends in subsistence patterns and regional variability during the local transition to agriculture.


Seven indicators of oral health and childhood stress were analyzed, including dental wear, calculus, caries, alveolar resorption, periapical lesions, ante-mortem tooth loss (AMTL), and linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH).


Neolithic coastal populations are globally characterized by high dental wear, high calculus frequency, high LEH frequency, and frequent periodontal disease, whereas they exhibit low abscesses and AMTL frequencies and a total absence of carious lesions. Samples from the Hafit period present high dental wear, low rates of calculus and LEH, frequent periodontal disease, combined with low abscess and AMTL frequencies and absence of caries. By contrast, samples from the Umm an-Nar period exhibit much lower dental wear, calculus and LEH rates, whereas caries, periapical lesions and AMTL frequencies increase significantly. Marked differences were observed between coastal and inland Umm an-Nar groups, the latter presenting significantly higher frequencies of caries, periapical lesions, alveolar resorption and AMTL.


Oral conditions from the Neolithic coastal populations denote a diet mainly composed of unprocessed and abrasive food, with high protein and low carbohydrate intakes, and frequent stress episodes. Although Hafit populations display some changes in oral pathologies, which indicate modifications in their lifestyle and a diversification of the diet, no markers of high carbohydrate intakes were observed in our samples. The impact of agriculture on oral health appears clearly only from the Umm an-Nar period, and is more intense inland than on the coast, where marine resources are still a main component of the diet.

Déplier Replier

Appropriating a French model in Iran? The architect André Godard (1881–1965) and the conception of Iranian museums

Les Cahiers de l’École du Louvre. Recherches en histoire de l’art, histoire des civilisations, archéologie, anthropologie et muséologie, vol. 11

ISBN:  2262-208X
URL / DOI:  Read the article online
Publisher:  École du Louvre


heritage, architecture, museology, archives, Iran, André Godard


The history of museums in Iran began in the second half of the nineteenth century and experienced its most significant phase in the 1930s, when the Mūze-ye Irān-e Bāstān, the national archaeological museum designed by the French architect André Godard (1881–1965), was inaugurated. Located in Teheran, the emblematic monument incarnates a period of modernisation and exacerbated nationalism during the reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi (r. 1925–41). The Godard collection, kept in the Musée du Louvre, teaches us about the memorial and patrimonial policies established in Iran between 1928 and 1960 and whose mark is still tangible today.

Déplier Replier

Migrer du Portugal en Angola : perception de la migration et rapport au passé colonial. Quelques pistes de réflexion

Cahiers de l’URMIS: Les espaces de la migration lusophone : circulations, régulations, représentations, dirigés par S. Ferreira, S. Souchaud, D. Vidal

Déplier Replier

La modernité, invention médiatique

French Politics, Culture and Society, 2017, 35-1

Déplier Replier

Epistémologie du modèle : des Humanités syntaxiques ?

Dossier « Ontologie du numérique », sous la direction de S. Monjour, M. Treleani, M. Vitali-Rosati, Sens public [en ligne], mis en ligne le 15 décembre 2017


Déplier Replier

Zoom arrière. L'ethnomusicologie à l’ère du Big Data

Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie, 30 "Perspectives. Quel devenir pour l'ethnomusicologie ?", 2017.

Déplier Replier

ModRef Project: Data Migration into CIDOC-CRM Triplestores and Factorisation

IntTech17v10n34, International Journal On Advances in Internet Technology, 2017 no 3&4, December 31, 2017 - Online

Déplier Replier
Michèle BAUSSANT , Irène DOS SANTOS , Nancy VENEL , Marina CHAULIAC , Evelyne RIBERT

Des passés déplacés. Mémoires des migrations

Communications, n° 100, 2017.

ISBN:  9782021340600

Déplier Replier

Memoria, Identidad Y Nation

Publication: in Nationalismus, Religiones Y Globalization, DONATELLO Luis, MALLIMACCI Fortunato, PINTO Julio, Ed. Biblos (Coll Societad y religion), Argentine, 2017.

Déplier Replier
Francis DÉMIER , Elena MUSIANI

Paris and Bologna in the Nineteenth Century : A New Relationship Between Urban Culture and Industrialisation

Publication: Cities and Creativity from the Renaissance to the Present, Ilja van Damme, Bert De Munck, and Andrew Miles (eds.), New York and London, Routledge, 2017.
ISBN:  978-1138054066

Déplier Replier

Analysing Cultural Events on Twitter

Publication: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (10 449), Springer, Computational Collective Intelligence - Part II, 2017
ISBN:  978-3-319-67076-8

Déplier Replier

Analyzing Museums and Key Influential Users on Twitter during the “European Night of Museums" 2016

Publication: Lecture notes in computer science, springer, 2017, Web Engineering, LNCS 10360.

Déplier Replier

Textile Imprints on Bullae from Kültepe

Publication: in F. Kulakoğlu & G. Barjamovic (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Kültepe International Meeting, Kültepe, 26-30 July 2015, Kültepe International Meetings 2, Subartu XXXIX, Turnhout.
ISBN:  978-2503575223

Déplier Replier

A la recherche des rapports ordinaires au passé. L’iconographie comme méthode d’enquête

Publication: in É. Savarese et C. Pina (eds.), Pour une analyse iconographique du politique. Regards interdisciplinaires, enjeux et perspectives, Paris : L’Harmattan.
ISBN:  978-2-343-12509-1

Déplier Replier

Hacer su trabajo de experto de la justicia transicional

Publication: in GATTI Gabriel, (ed.), Un mundo de víctimas, Barcelona, Anthropos, 2017.

Déplier Replier

article "Ironie – Humour"

Publication: dans Dictionnaire de l’autobiographie, Françoise Simonet-Tenant (dir.), Paris, Champion, 2017.
ISBN:  978-2745345103

Déplier Replier

Tourisme mémoriel, la face sombre de la terre ?

direction du n° spécial de la revue Mémoires en Jeu, n°3, 2017.

Déplier Replier
Frédéric CLAVERT

Échos du centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale sur Twitter

Matériaux pour l’histoire de notre temps, n°120, mai 2017.

Déplier Replier

Le paradoxe de la monumentalité en format réduit : la statuaire publique et la carte postale

Publication: in S. Duhem, E. Galbois, A. Perrin Khelissa (dir.), Penser le petit, mai 2017.
ISBN:  978-2-84975-430-6

Déplier Replier

La venganza de las víctimas

Revista de Estudios Sociales


Las víctimas de violencia política sueñan con la venganza. ¿Quién lo imaginaría? ¿Qué más puede desearse después de haber sido envilecido, aterrorizado, desposeído de cuanto se tenía y de lo que se era, después de saber que sus parientes fueron torturados, asesinados y sus cuerpos “desaparecidos”, o después de haber padecido uno mismo la tortura y la degradación? Vengarse de quien nos ha hecho sufrir se revela como una pulsión universal del individuo. “Revenge […] is a universal phenomenon […] much revenge behavior is impulsive, conceived and executed in the rage of the moment” (Elster 1990, 862). En contextos donde siguen conviviendo quienes han ejecutado y padecido una violencia extrema —como suele ocurrir después de represiones, guerras civiles o genocidios—, este apetito de venganza puede parecer legítimo para algunos, mientras que para otros aparece como una amenaza que se debe encauzar. Quienes en particular intervienen en el seno de organizaciones internacionales cuando un conflicto llega a su fin piensan a menudo que es necesario luchar contra la voluntad de venganza de las víctimas. Temen las consecuencias que puedan tener tales represalias —que se presumen desestabilizadoras— en el nuevo marco político.

Déplier Replier

Judging Communist Crimes in Romania. Transnational and Global Influences

International Journal of Transitional Justice, vol. 11, n°3, 2017

ISBN:  1752-7716
URL / DOI:  10.1093/ijtj/ijx016
Publisher:  Oxford University Press

Déplier Replier

La notion de « chaîne opératoire » dans le monde : 50 ans d’études technologiques en Préhistoire

Journal of Lithic Studies, vol. 4, n°2

ISBN:  ISSN 2055-0472
Publisher:  University of Edinburgh, 2017

Déplier Replier

As Experimentaçoes em Tecnologia Litica

Publication: In L. Fernandes & D. Duarte-Talim (Éd.), Tecnologia litica na arqueologia brasileira: coletana de (re)publicaçoes
ISBN:  978-85-62164-11-8
Publisher:  Belo Horizonte: Museu de Historia Naturalda, UFMG, 2017