
Scientific publications

Déplier Replier

La commémoration en pratique : les lieux sociaux du rapport au passé

Matériaux pour l’histoire de notre temps 2017/1 (N° 120)

ISBN:  0769-3206
URL / DOI:  Read the article online
Publisher:  BDIC

Déplier Replier

Trying out History? Social Appropriations of Exhibitions about the First World War Centenary

Matériaux pour l’histoire de notre temps 2017/1 (N° 120)

ISBN:  0769-3206
URL / DOI:  Read the article online
Publisher:  BDIC


Based on an investigation about the public of six French exhibitions dedicated to First World War, the present paper studies the different mechanisms of viewing history, mechanisms confronted with civic expectations placed in these commemorations. Analyzing individual behaviour and speech, it asks the relation between the public and commemoration into the museum and makes propositions in order to understanding social appropriation of the past.