
Scientific publications

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Les patrimoines en recherche(s) d’avenir

Culture et recherche, n°133

ISBN:  0765-5991
URL / DOI:  Download the journal Culture et recherche n°133
Publisher:  Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication

Déplier Replier

Renaître en temps réel, techniques de régression de mémoire et expériences de vies antérieures

Terrain, n°66

ISBN:  978-2-9555964-0-1
URL / DOI:  Read the article on the website of the journal Terrain
Publisher:  Maison archéologie et ethnologie, René-Ginouvès

© Bedelgeuse


réincarnation, régression, past life, hypnosis, expérience


Past life regression is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to make the patient re-experience “previous lives” in order to free him/her from traumas, phobias, or more simply, for self-exploration purposes. Can one experience reincarnation in real time? What is the subject actually given access to under hypnosis? What status should be given to the visions and body states that are experienced as being so strange by the subject him/herself? These controversial issues are discussed with reference to Colonel de Rochas experiments with past life regression in the late 19th century, and they are placed in the wider historical context of experimental research in reincarnation.

Déplier Replier
Sylvain ANTICHAN , Sarah GENSBURGER , Jeanne TEBOUL , Gwendoline TORTERAT

Visites scolaires, histoire et citoyenneté

ISBN:  978-2-11-010193-8
URL / DOI:  Website of La Documentation Française
Publisher:  La Documentation française