
Open Pictures Annotator for Heritage and the Humanities with IIIF (OPAAH iiif)

Open Pictures Annotator for Heritage and the Humanities with IIIF (OPAAH iiif)

Researchers in SHS are more and more often called on to analyse heterogenous corpuses of photos and videos, because of their abundance but also their benefits to science and heritage. As a result, they increasingly need training or analytic data, to perfect algorithms and data visualisation tools. But today analysing this kind of corpuses is still difficult. Researchers are faced with two kinds of tools. Either they use basic desktop programs – to create spreadsheets or view photos – or they use specialised scientific programs responding to specific, but sometimes outdated needs, that are often not focused on the practices of humanities. The researcher’s analytical work is therefore fastidious and underproductive. In addition, the results remain stuck in computers or in databases. They cannot be shared, nor reused by other researchers, and thus cannot be easily promoted. OPAHH iiif aims to:

-       provide researchers in the digital humanities, as well as heritage professionals (museums, libraries, archives, but also by extension amateurs) with an ergonomic tool that can contribute and facilitate, accelerate and enrich the phase of image and video analysis. It will also allow results to be reused by the scientific community using the sharing format IIIF. This therefore contributes to the “open science” approach and, by extension, the reappropriation of heritage by the general public;

-       propose a standard tool that responds to the most frequent needs in annotating scientific and heritage research;

-       provide a simple and intuitive interface for non-experts in annotation, and for amateurs as part of participative projects;

-       explore the possibility of an application of IIIF to animated images.

Project Leader

Gilles BERTIN , Cnam - DICEN-IDF EA 7339

Internal cluster partners

  • Laboratoire Dispositifs d'Information et de Communication à l'Ère Numérique (DICEN-IDF) - EA 7339
  • Archives nationales
  • Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)

Associated partners

Laboratoire Esthétiques, sciences et technologies du cinéma et de l'audiovisuel (ESTCA) - EA 2302, Université Paris 8

Master "Archives", Université Paris 8


36 months


Fouille rapide d'archives, analyses images et vidéos, valorisation images et vidéos, IIIF, annotation contributive