Head of the Éric-de-Dampierre Library
Eric-de-Dampierre Library / LESC
Leader of the project:
The birth of French ethnology. The first ethnographic missions to Africa
Personal webpage:
Marie-Dominique Mouton's webpage on the LESC website (http://www.mae.u-paris10.fr/lesc/spip.php)
Marie-Dominique Mouton is head of the Éric-de-Dampierre Library. In this context, she has implemented a policy for collecting, safeguarding and developing the ethnologists’ archives. She encourages reflection on the methodological and ethical questions raised by the use and re-use of field materials. Her professional areas of interest also include: the evolution of research libraries, the development of documentary resources in anthropology, the history of Africanist documentation. She is co-founder of the Ethnology Network and the Réseau des Archives des ethnologues (Network of Ethnologists’ Archives), now labelled a Consortium in the context of Corpus IR. She served as an expert advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during its implementation of a cooperative of Anglophone and Francophone libraries in West and Central Africa.