

Title:  Library curator
Position:  Responsible for the promotion of scientific and technical information
Institution:  Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale Contemporaine , Université Paris Lumières

Takes part in the project:  The future of online digitized heritage: the example of the Great War, Modeling, frames of reference, and digital culture


As a librarian, Lionel Maurel specializes in digital and legal issues related to the dissemination of heritage, research results and intellectual property. After having held positions at the BnF and the BDIC, he is responsible for the promotion of scientific and technical information at the University of Paris Lumières and responsible for the Open Data project at Paris Nanterre University.

Le web français de la Grande Guerre. Réseaux amateurs et institutionnels.

Publisher:  Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre
ISBN:  9782840163145

Le web français de la Grande Guerre. Réseaux amateurs et institutionnels.

Publisher:  Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre
ISBN:  9782840163145

Le web français de la Grande Guerre. Réseaux amateurs et institutionnels.

Publisher:  Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre
ISBN:  9782840163145