
Environmental Memory in Tension (MEET)

Environmental Memory in Tension (MEET)
Planche de l'herbier de l'Institut Français de Pondichéry : Pterocarpus santalinus (red sanders), arbre d'Inde du sud faisant l'objet de contrebande vers la Chine

The forest, the countryside, and other natural environments all share a materiality that transmits memory (in the form of soil, animals, chemistry, plants, water, pollen, trees, etc.), and which is used in various ways by science, technology, politics, and religion. Forest or water resources are subject to social, political, religious, and economic interventions that shape environmental experiences and memory. Yet these ecosystems also have a very concrete impact on the relationship between humans and the environment (in terms of fertility, natural disasters, new religions, etc.). This project also examines the political and anthropological issues at stake in the ecologies used and their relations to conservation in the south of India. What forms of vernacular (popular theatre, songs, etc.) and institutional (museums) restitution of these environmental memories can be envisaged? The goal here is to organise a two-day international workshop in Pondicherry, in order to plan a larger scale project to be submitted to Labex, and also to constructs a museum space dedicated to these environmental memories in tension.

Project managers

Frédéric LANDY , Université Paris Nanterre - UMR 7218 LAVUE, équipe Mosaïques 


Internal cluster partners

  • Laboratoire d'Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative (LESC) - UMR 7186
  • Laboratoire Architecture, Ville, Urbanisme, Environnement (LAVUE) - UMR 7218

Associated partners

Institut Français de Pondichéry (MEAE-CNRS)


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mémoire environnementale, espace muséal, humains et non humains, temporalité, patrimoine