

Position:  Administrator
Institution:  Modyco

After a BA in Art History at University Lille 3 Charles-de-Gaulle and a MA "New technologies applied to historical sciences " at the École nationale des chartes, Antoine Courtin has been consultant, then in charge of the R&D programs within a startup  which provides digital solutions for cultural institutions (archives, libraries, museums) between 2010 and 2013. In octobre 2013, he joins as a research engineer the Labex “Past in the present” and more specifically the project "Modeling, repositories and digital culture."

On the same time, he has co-organised Museomix, an event dedicated to new forms of mediation thanks to digital tools, in the Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne in Nantes. He is involved in the movement of the cultural Open Data through the DataCulture hackathon organized by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, where he has won the Grand Prix. He also teaches XML in the MATA MA at the University of Picardie.

Twitter : @seeksanusername

A Tool-based Methodology to Analyze Social Network Interactions in Cultural Fields: the Use Case MuseumWeek

Publisher:  Springer International Publishing
ISBN:  978-3319137339