scientific articles

The Commemoration of the First World War on the Web: Presence and Dissemination of Digitized Heritage


The Commemoration of the First World War on the Web: Presence and Dissemination of Digitized Heritage

Matériaux pour l’histoire de notre temps 2017/1 (N° 120)

ISBN:  0769-3206
URL / DOI:  Read the article online
Publisher:  BDIC
Pages:  p. 10-17


This article aims to understand the online uses of documents digitized by heritage institutions. Based on a mapping of the relations between the websites dedicated to the Great War, on the study of a discussion forum and on the analysis of the online dissemination of a photographic collection, the article reconstructs the role of “amateur” networks, slightly connected to the institutional world, in the circulation of patrimonial funds.

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