
The Arkeotek Journal

The Arkeotek Journal
débitage expérimental de lames de silex détachées par pression au levier © : JP 2012 UMR7055 Préhistoire et Technologie

Since the 1980s, the laboratory “Prehistory and Technology” has been a unique bastion of experimental ethnoarcheological collections valued reference for the identification and technological characterization of prehistoric remnants. These collections are most certainly the most complete and the most advanced at both the national and international level.
The project consists of furnishing online access to these frames of references, which are indispensable tools of assessment, and it targets an international audience of university students, post-docs, and researchers conducting technological studies. A documentary declension of these frames of reference on techniques will be created with the National Museum of Archeology in the framework of the cluster.
This project responds to the cluster’s theme by making available heretofore inaccessible digital research tools. Permitting the comprehension of prehistory via the digital, these tools also contribute to the mediation of history.

Project Leader

Valentine ROUX , Préhistoire et Technologie

Internal cluster partners

  • Prehistory and Technology - UMR 7055
  • Archeologies and Sciences of Antiquity (ArScAn) - UMR 7041
  • Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Mondes - USR 3225
  • National Museum of Archeology - National domain of Saint-Germain-en-Laye

Associated partners

Maison of Research in Human Sciences (MRSH) of Caen, Digital Document Hub


3 years

The Arkeotek Journal

The project of putting online the experimental and ethnoarcheological reference datasets on the archeological techniques materialized through the publication in The Arkeotek Journal of 6 reference datasets.

The project of putting online the experimental and ethnoarcheological reference datasets on the archeological techniques materialized through the publication in The Arkeotek Journal of 6 reference datasets:

  • 3 on ceramic techniques (original article by C. Jeffra, 2015, and republished articles by A. Gelbert, 2003),
  • 1 on finishing techniques on hard rock beads (republished article by Errico et al.),
  • 1 on grinding materials (original article by S. Delgado, 2015), 1 on the collection modalities of the Columbella Rustica (original article by C. Perlès, 2016),
  • and 1 dataset on the function of bone points (original article by A. Legrand, 2016). These reference datasets feature the organization of data, illustrated with photographs, drawings, and films, depending on their analysis and interpretation, thereby offering their readers true knowledge bases.

The engineering work surrounding the editing and publishing of reference datasets is assured by MRSH of Caen.