
Adventure Playgrounds of the Past/For the Future (TAPLA)

Adventure Playgrounds of the Past/For the Future (TAPLA)
En haut : Terrain d'aventure d'Emdrup, Copenhague, 1943 En bas : CÉMÉA, Terrain d'aventure de la Belle-Beille, Angers, 2019


The research program “Adventure playgrounds of the past/for the future” aims to establish an overview of adventure playgrounds and the open-air pedagogical spaces that preceded them, and those that came after, from the 1970s to today. It will explore the legacy of these projects that appeared during the Second World War in Denmark and progressively spread to different countries in Europe, including France. It will establish to what extent these experiments may constitute innovative solutions to examine how urban spaces are created for children, but especially by children and by all users. This study will allow us to open up a growing research field in social and human sciences (ethnology, history, geography, urban sociology, education sciences, philosophy), and also in architecture, on the production of urban play spaces and the involvement of users in a gesture of individual and collective empowerment and emancipation. The goal is to use a transdisciplinary approach to identify the unrecognised heritage of adventure playgrounds, in order to reveal their legacy and their impact on those who used them (both as adults and children) and still use them, as well as their potential in the planning of future urban spaces.

Project managers

Gilles RAVENEAU , Université Paris Nanterre - Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie comparative (LESC) 

Clothilde ROULLIER , Archives nationales

Internal cluster partners

  • Laboratoire d'Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative (LESC) - UMR 7186
  • Archives nationales
  • Laboratoire Architecture, Ville, Urbanisme, Environnement (LAVUE) - UMR 7218

Associated partners

Université de Leeds, Royaume Uni

Centre de Recherche Interuniversitaire Expériences Ressources Culturelles Éducation (EXPERICE), Université Paris 13

Association des déposants aux archives de la jeunesse et de l'éducation populaire - ADAJEP

Centre Interfacultaire en Droits de l'Enfant, Université de Genève

Fonds de coopération de la jeunesse et de l'éducation populaire/Archives de l'éducation populaire - FONJEP/PAJEP

Environnement Ville Société (EVS) - UMR 5600, CNRS


32 months


jeu, pédagogies alternatives, autonomie, aménagements, plein air